
About Dn. Thom

Thanks for visiting, I’m Thom. If you have questions about Orthodoxy, you should visit an Orthodox parish near you. If you need help finding one, let me know.

This is my personal blog and all thoughts and are my own. I’m sharing my thoughts and views as I try live Orthodoxy every day of my life.

I’m Thom. A little about me, I’m a Deacon in the Holy Orthodox Church and work with the teens at my parish, marketing guy, dad to a sweet little girl, husband to a great wife who I help with her line of housewares and fine art at weather&noise, run the Made Shop. I’m an avid reader, beer aficionado, lover of theology and history, aspiring coffee snob. I live in Tulsa with the most amazing wife, a perfect daughter and our two dogs, Tucker and Buddy.